CIG Pannonia Life Insurance Plc. (registered seat: H-1033 Budapest, Flórián tér 1.; company registry number: Cg.01-10-045857; hereinafter: the “Company”) hereby notifies its shareholders and other capital market participants that dr. Gabriella Kádár, Chief Executive Officer and as well as the member of the Board of Directors of the Company has purchased today outside trading venue (in OTC transaction) 200.000 pieces of CIGPANNONIA ordinary shares on the price of 210 HUF each. The current number of shares owned by dr. Gabriella Kádár are 246.844 pieces. \r\nMiklós Barta, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, member of the Board of Directors of the Company has also purchased today 30.000 pieces of CIGPANNONIA ordinary shares in OTC transaction on the price of 210 HUF each. The number of shares owned by Miklós Barta have increased to 42 300 pieces.